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Red Boat Set Sail with CPC|嘉興紅船 黨的誕生地 ©SRT

作者:Chen Zhenzhen, Zheng XIn & Kai Xin 时间:2022-11-4 23:42:09 点击:

  核心提示: This is the fifthepisode of 'Exploring Jiaxing', contributed by the SRT members--Chen Zhenzhen Zhen...

This is the fifth episode of "Exploring Jiaxing", contributed by the SRT members--Chen Zhenzhen Zheng Xin and Kai Xin. In this episode, The Red Boat will be introduced. 

The Red Boat, one of China's most famous water vessels rests on Nanhu Lake, Jiaxing, Zhejiang province. In 1921, the first CPC National Congress reconvened on a red boat on the lake after being interrupted by authorities in Shanghai's French concession. It was aboard this vessel that the 13 delegates announced the official founding of the CPC, with the Red Boat becoming a symbol of the courageous and pioneering spirit of the early leaders.

Every day, large numbers of visitors line up to pay homage to the historical boat, which honors the conclusion of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1921.






本片為大學生研究訓練(SRT)計畫專案『嘉興人文文化英語微視頻設計與對外傳播研究』之第五集——嘉興紅船 黨的誕生地。項目代碼:CD8517211398。


1. Youtube平台賬號:華美世界

2. 抖音國內版:嘉禾视野 (抖音號:CN_0573)

3. 西瓜視頻:華美世界 (https://www.ixigua.com/home/3228597768163540)

4. 微信公眾號:EdwardWeClass

5. 愛德華網絡世界: www.ok5266.com

Red Boat Set Sail with CPC ©Exploring Jiaxing, SRT (Created by Chen Zhenzhen, Zheng Xin and  Kai Xin; Sponsored by Jiaxing University, Project Code: CD8517211398)



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