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PBS高分纪录片丨《透视美国 (全4集)》

作者:PBS 时间:2020-10-10 10:07:09 点击:

导演: Nic Young / Jesse Sweet / Sabin Streeter
编剧: Jack Youngelson / Jaime Bernanke
主演: 权律
类型: 纪录片
官方网站: https://www.pbs.org/show/america-revealed/
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2012-04-11(美国)
集数: 4
单集片长: 55分钟



第一集:Food Machine 美国农业 
Food Machine: How America keeps pace with its insatiable appetite. The story of how a revolution in food production turned deserts into orchards, prairies into a bread basket, and created the biggest food machine in the world.

第二集:Nation On the Move 美国交通 
Nation on the Move: Americans are the most mobile people on earth and their transport systems are the biggest and most complex. From the rural school bus to the busiest airport, we explore the vast infrastructure that keeps Americans on the move.
世界上最庞大的都市之一纽约如何应对交通高峰?货运火车是如何工作的?舒适的航空飞行背后有什么故事?洛杉矶的1200万辆汽车何去何从?所有答案 就在America Revealed

第三集:Electricity 美国电力 
Electric Nation: We take electricity for granted but how is it generated and how does our vast but aging grid get it to every house, office and factory in the nation?


第四集:Made In The USA 美国制造
Made in the U.S.A.: This is the story of how American manufacturers embraced new ideas and technologies to transform themselves into world leading producers of everything from sleek new cars to mighty ships to microchips.

美国强大的制造业是如何发展的?美国的汽车工业如何进化?衰败的美国钢铁业如何涅槃?本集将带你走进传说中最强大的福特号航母的船坞 去看闻名遐迩的英特尔的工厂有多科幻。

点击下方视频,观看完整影片 (Youtube观看,请点击第2页)↓↓

第一集  美国农业

第二集  美国交通

第三集 美国电力

第四集  美国制造

— END —

(Youtube 观看,请点击第2页)



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